Why Your Business Needs a “Responsive Web Design”

Today, the web is not only limited to desktop. According to Statista, there won’t be less than 2.9 billion smartphone users by the end of 2019. With the “ever increasing” number of smartphone users daily, more and more people are browsing internet solely via smartphones. Yes, more than 60% of searches online now come from a mobile device.

Can you remember the last time you visited any website on your smartphone and shut that website simply because it was not looking good on the screen of your smartphone? It was likely not a pleasant experience. What if that was your website? You would be feeling nauseous about it.

Responsive web design isn’t a fashion anymore, rather it’s a must. Today, if your website isn’t efficient enough to serve screen of multiple devices, it’s going to incur you lose in ways you might haven’t imagined. Hence, it is very essential for you to have a “responsive web design” for your blazing idea.

When it all started…

It was the year of 2010, when a web designer named, Ethan Marcotte first coined the term, “responsive web design.” In those days, web developers used to build different sites to accommodate all the tribes of devices out there in the market.

With the increasing number of “tribes” of devices, this way didn’t seem much efficient to create websites. That is when the trend of responsive web design came to life.

Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to design for the ebb and flow of things.

-Ethan Marcotte

After all What’s the Definition of Responsive Web Design?

According to Ethan, a responsive design is composed of three distinct parts:

1. A flexible grid.

2. Flexible images. Or more specifically, media that works in a flexible context (whether fluid themselves, or perhaps controlled via overflow).

3. Media queries. The final layer of a responsive design, media queries optimize the design for different viewing contexts, and spot-fix bugs that occur at different resolution ranges.

“A responsive design simply means a website that feels great on any device of your choice.”

Here’s Why You Should Consider the Thought of Having a Responsive Website:

Because it looks amazing! The first compelling reason you should consider the thought of having a responsive website is because responsiveness can make your site look simply amazing!

Having a responsive website, can also help to engage your users, thereby leaving them with a good impression about your brand as a whole.

1. Deliver Excellent UX:

With a responsive website, you can deliver the most luxurious user experience to your end users. No one likes to sit in front of an “ever loading” broken or a shrunken website. With a responsive design, you can deliver the most amazing UX that will make your users fall in love with your brand. Today, most of the web design companies offer responsive website design to better serve their clients.

2. Reach the Farthest End of the Corner:

With a responsive website design, you can reach people who don’t have the luxury to surf internet via a personal computer. Responsive web design will help you address all the users out there searching for you. This can help to increase traffic on your website. Not only that, it will also help you to boost your ranking in Google.

3. Reduce Maintenance Cost:

Initially, if you were to hire a website design company they would create two separate versions for any website – one for mobile and the other for desktop devices. What this did was it increased the overall effort and maintenance cost for keeping both the versions updated. However, if you have a responsive web design, you will be able to manage your website much efficiently and easily, with least resources.

Final words, now you know how crucial it is to have a responsive web design for your website. If you want your business to grow in leaps and bounds, you must consider the thought of having a responsive website. If you want help in making your website responsive, there are many companies out there who offer responsive web design services to help you make your website look exceptional.

Companies that offer responsive web design services can also help you in building a separate mobile app for your website that can help you grow your business up to no limits.

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Impact of Backlinks on Local SEO and How to Acquire Them

For anyone who is looking to understand what exactly backlinks are and what they are for, the short answer is, they are like gateways to another universe, in a rabbit hole we call “the internet”. Each one takes you to a different location that’s related to the previous one.

Before we dive into the details of what are backlinks, what they do and how to get them, it’s a good idea to outsource your SEO to a local SEO agency. If you are looking for someone to take care of your SEO in Dubai then there is no shortage of agencies that would do it for you.

What do backlinks do?

You don’t have to be an experienced marketer or a developer to figure that the search engines are using AI algorithms to rank websites. The whole point of this is to offer an enhanced experience to the general audience browsing the internet. You could fill your whole website with the top quality content but as long as you don’t have a strong network of backlinks especially on the local websites, the chances of you getting under the search engine’s spotlight are very slim.

They are like certificates of authenticity from other websites. The more backlinks you have from the industry relevant websites the more attention you would receive from the search engines.

Is bigger the better?

Well, for starters, having some links is better than having none at all but it certainly helps to have backlinks from high domain authority websites. It’s like getting a certificate of authenticity from websites that are highly regarded by Google itself.

So would it help to get a backlink from any high domain authority website? As much as we want this to be the case, it’s not. Industry relevance is the key here. Getting a backlink from Time or BBC for your property website might not help you as much as getting a link from some other online local platform that is famous for real estate news/blogging despite the fact that both Time and BBC receive tons of international traffic especially when you are looking to get discovered locally. If you think it’s too much work for you then you could also reach out to your local SEO services to build a strong backlink network for you.

How to get them

If you are not sure about where to get the links from, you could always look up to your competitors who are already ranked. See where they are getting their links from and you could reach out to the same websites and send out a proposal of your own.

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Faktor Untuk Menang di Permainan Togel Online Terpercaya


Untuk bermain pada situs bandar togel online paling dipercaya bukan hanya dipastikan oleh unsur keamanan serta kenyamanan permainan. Tetapi unsur kesenangan mendapatkan untung besar yang mengagumkan yang tetap ditawarkan oleh bandar di websitenya. Serta untuk mendapatkan nilai taruhan besar, anda juga harus menempatkan nominal taruhan yang tinggi. Disamping itu, pilihan tipe permainan togel yang dimainkan memengaruhi kemenangan anda. Sebab togel sendiri mempunyai level permainan dari yang rendah sampai paling susah.

Jumlahnya pilihan permainan togel membuat keuntungan besar buat calon pemain togel. Untuk pemula, mereka bisa bermain di level kesusahan rendah dengan menempatkan taruhan semamounya. Dengan pilih permainan gampang, karena itu kesempatan kemenangan yang akan didapat juga semakin besar serta cepat. Hal tersebut penting diingat buat pemula terutamanya.

Keberanian Pemain

Anda harus berani lakukan apa saja dalam lakukan betting. Bila anda takut, jangankan untung, mendapatkan bonus juga tidak dapat. Keberanian benar-benar dibuthkan buat beberapa pemain toto togel 4d online terpercaya. Anda juga jangan takut menempatkan nominal taruhan tinggi jika potensi bermain anda sudah dipandang memberikan keyakinan. Minimum keberanian yang perlu dipunyai untuk bayar uang deposit serta menempatkan angka taruhan. Keberanian itu minimal harus dipunyai beberapa bettor.

Mempunyai Modal

Modal akan tentukan kemenangan anda. Jika modal makin besar, karena itu kesempatan kemenangan makin bertambah besar. Tetapi anda harus memerhatikan jika modal besar tidak lalu membuat anda bisa betting sesukanya tanpa ada mempertimbangkan bagian yang lain. Serta modal sedikit bukan berarti anda tidak dapat menang. Modal yang kecil juga dapat membuat anda menang, namun perlu diurus sebaik-baiknya.

Ketepatan Feeling

Feeling akan bermanfaat untuk menerka nomor yang ada di pasaran betting togel online paling dipercaya. Unsur itu akan tentukan peruntungan anda sepanjang permainan. Bila betting yang dilaksanakan seringkali, karena itu kemamouan feeling untuk menebak angka juga makin terasah. Beberapa pemain menjelaskan jika angka yang dipasangnya tembus di pasar karena feeling. Hal tersebut menunjukkan jika feeling yang pas dapat juga datangkan keuntungan.

Lantas yang paling akhir ialah pengetahuan. Pengetahuan yang banyak mengenai judi togel akan membuat pemain makin cakap untuk meramalkan angka yang keluar. Contoh pengetahuan yang bermanfaat ialah tafsiran mimpi. Bila pemain kuasai pengetahuan itu karena itu tiap dianya atau pemain lain punya mimpi maka dapat ditafsirkan untuk dibikin panduan dalam menempatkan nomor.

Smartphone yang biasa dipakai di warga, dengan ukurannya yang ramah saku serta ukuran tangan, akan gampang dibawa kemana saja serta kapan juga oleh pemiliknya. Dengan demikian, semua keperluan dan semua kegiatan akan cepat tercukupi bila lewat hp pintar. Harga yang lebih dapat dijangkau dengan kualitas munghumpuni akan membuat perubahan pemakai judi online makin bertambah luas. Serta hal tersebut pasti dirasa beberapa bettor biasanya.

Seorang agen pada tiap situs judi togel online paling dipercaya pasti manfaatkan hal itu. Aplikasi pada smartphone yang mendukung permainan beberapa bettor akan menolong. Keadaan itu jadikan kesempatan untuk sediakan aplikasi betting online yang bisa dibuka an dipakai cukup dengan sentuhan jari. Dengan begitu, skema praktis serta gampang buat anda untuk terhubung situs situs browser pada bandar yang anda turuti.

Serta untuk mendapatkan aplikasi itu anda cuma cukup lakukan beberapa step sampai status anda sudah tercatat jadi anggota di websitenya. Keuntungan bila sudah terhimpun ialah anda bisa menempatkan nomor taruhan togel dengan cara online yang sensasinya tidak didapat dengan cara permainan konvensional.

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Tips for Your Digital Nomad Business

Your Digital Nomad business

This is your lifeline, probably your only source of income and the machine that feeds your wallet and enables further travelling and survival. Make sure to tailor your business for easy remote operation. The typical Digital Nomad business is to provide some non-physical remote service, so your accounting should not be too complicated. However, make absolutely sure you setup your company properly, with good administrative support, and according to all laws and regulations. There are many activities perfectly suited to run remotely – fighting with authorities is not one of them! Bear in mind that the Digital Nomad Lifestyle may be regarded as unorthodox or even slightly suspicious by certain people; one more reason to make sure everything is in perfect order administrative-wise.

A few words about revenue

Digital Nomads typically spend most of their time in low-cost countries, thus being able to survive on less income than in a highly developed country. Here are a few important things to consider when sketching out the budget for a Digital Nomad business:

Be prepared to face resistance towards remote work! Many managers want you to sit at your desk, on-site, where they can keep an eye on you
Clients in general pay much less for remote work than for corresponding on-site work
Local everyday life in a low-cost country may be inexpensive – just don’t forget that cost for international travel, SW licenses, Hardware, etc., remain the same no matter which country you’re in
Consider your vocational training, taking up new tools and methods, participation in conventions, trade fairs, off-line courses, etc.
Don’t forget to budget for medical and travel insurance for your staff (=YOURSELF!), accounting and auditing, visas and possible work permits, and perhaps legal assistance depending on where and how you setup your business
Consider provisions for retirement – no employer will do that for you as a Digital Nomad
It is far easier to “gear-down” to a low-cost/low-income lifestyle than what it is to “gear-up” to a high-cost/high-income lifestyle
Avoid the low-cost/low-income trap: It may be tempting to decrease work effort and income to a level where you have a comfortable day-to-day life in a low-cost country. However, returning to your home country (sometimes destiny calls… ) may become a real challenge unless you have arranged sufficient funds
Company Secretary or corresponding service

You will need a skilled and reliable agent to handle your business practicalities and administration; such as a physical address and maybe phone number for your business, mail forwarding, keeping track of statements and returns to hand in and when to do it, renewal of business license, accounting and auditing… The right support will give you the freedom to focus 100% on productive work and to develop your business – wrong support may cause unnecessary and extremely annoying pain and headache. Take your time and be meticulous who you hire!

Keep good track of your expenses, earnings, and receipts

This is important for any business! However, a Digital Nomad office is usually “located” in a suitcase or a backpack, daily operation is carried out from new sites in different corners of the world, and the whole operation must be able to pack/unpack easily and frequently. It is important to have a good and simple system for your papers and records, to conveniently bring them along while travelling. Scan everything regularly as a backup, and/or mail it to your company secretary (using assured mail!) now and then.

Responsive to clients

This too is valid for any business, but may turn out a challenge for the Digital Nomad. I found that email is the preferred means of communication, and I use out-of-office message when outside internet coverage. Give an estimate for when you will be reading email next time and don’t forget to specify what timezone you refer to. I use Skype and other internet voice services, but I avoid using them for the first few contacts with a new or prospective client, as the quality of service can be unreliable.

Data and account management, backup etc.

This is extra important for Digital Nomads as we are, per definition, mobile in our work. A laptop thrown around by a frequent traveller has a higher probability of a failure than it’s colleague in an office or home environment. Frequent traveling also makes for a higher risk of theft. Make sure you backup important data frequently and to multiple media, and to store different backup media in separate places – e.g. a small portable disk drive in your backpack AND a memory stick in your pocket. There is also the possibility of cloud storage. I do not use such personally, as it makes it impossible to work offline and I definitely prefer to keep data in my own hands.

You may consider to use some software service for your user ids and passwords.

Lean but orderly project administration

I recommend lean, simplistic yet efficient and orderly project administration for the Digital Nomad! I use my smartphone, GTasks and Google calendar to keep track of projects and client activities. I also follow a simple but bullet-proof process to handle RFQ:s and new projects.

Hardware and Software

This is not negotiable. If your smartphone gets stolen, your computer crashes or needs upgraded memory, or that new and lucrative project requires a certain software – there is not much of an option except buying whatever is needed. And you will be likely to find proper supply in the nearest big city, almost anywhere in the world. However, if you are in a country with a different character set (e.g most Asian countries) it may be difficult to find your old familiar keyboard. English keyboards are usually available, but be prepared to solve a few challenges in the language area. It could be worth mentioning that copy software does occur in certain places, so beware.

Company insurance

Assuming that you have already arranged insurance for your personal protection, it may be worthwhile to look into a company insurance too. To cover liability in case you make a mistake in your work, get your laptop with important confidential client information lost or stolen or hacked… Not easy to get, and may be horribly expensive, but at least worth looking into.

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Proven And Profitable Money Making Ideas

With an entrepreneurial spirit, perhaps you might be thinking about money making ideas that have been proven and are profitable on the internet that you can use to make a living with. Online business is still an evolving tool to earn money. Everyone has predicted a major tech crash as a matter of fact it’s already happening.

According to Hostingfacts.com in 2017, “there will be more internet traffic than all prior internet years combined. Wi-Fi and mobile-connected devices will generate 68% of all internet traffic in 2017.”

More statistics show that “worldwide retail e-commerce sales will reach $1.915 Trillion in this alone according to Emarketer.com. There are a number of ways by which people can make money online.

Internet businesses provides relaxation and comfortability to people who run their own business while sitting in their homes or traveling the world. E- Commerce refers to the online functioning of businesses in which all of the transactions are accepted by means of the World Wide Web.

Online sales in the United States are anticipated to reach $523 billion in the next five years. This is up 56% from $335 billion in 2015, and mobile devices are expected to be a key leader in that growth, Forrester Research Inc. says.

The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced “that the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the third quarter of 2016, was $101.3 billion, an increase of 4.0 percent from the second quarter of 2016. Total retail sales globally for the third quarter, was estimated at $1,212.5 billion, an increase of 0.9 percent from the second quarter of 2016.”

With the collapse of the tech bust in full swing, should you even attempt entrepreneurship online, let alone a new business launch in 2017? My answer? Absolutely yes.

On the internet, there are unlimited things that can be done to earn money. It is all up to the individual how much they can profit from these online opportunities. The trend is constantly evolving with innovative business ideas.

The start of a new year means great interest in new and exciting things, as we look forward to the year in the making. The year 2017 is also likely to see some changes with a few money making ideas not being in demand and new ones harvesting up.

Learning how to make money on the internet with an e-business is one of the most proven and profitable money making ideas dominating the economy. Facebook now has 1.55 billion active users and 2.9 billion Google searches are made every day. With this data, there is endless opportunity for the ordinary person looking to create money online.

In this article, I’ve researched a few of the businesses that are going to be profitable for the next 5 years. While tech may be on the decline, the world continually has room for proven, profitable and innovative products as well as services.

Proven & Profitable Money Making Ideas


If you have a particular subject that interests you and you are passionate about it, then you can start a blog around such topic. Blogging is one of the fastest growing business trends on the web and the sweetest thing is that it is an information based business.

Many people in the current world are getting money by having their own blogs and websites. Generally, on these blogs and websites, they are putting thought-provoking and valuable information that interests other people. The science is simple; the additional number of visitors the more money you can make via advertisement and other revenues.

This works much like television where the more viewership means more advertisements and at a higher rate. This is one of the most well-known and informal techniques of producing income online and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Don’t worry about technicalities, programming, etc. You also won’t need to invest a dime to get started as there are free platforms you can utilize like Blogger and WordPress being the most trusted blogging platform since 2004.

E-commerce Store

Another proven and profitable idea to start an internet business is to maintain an online store. You can provide products to your customers online. Yes, you can set up an e-commerce or retail store online and you can start this online business from home without even owning a single product. You can sell virtually anything ranging from books, clothes and electronics to household item through wholesale drop shipping or by setting up an affiliate store with Amazon or eBay.

You may even sell anything from customized cakes to used items to even new products you created on your own. With this kind of business idea, people primarily receive payment via credit card or PayPal accounts. It totally depends upon you as some people prefer to collect payment at the time of delivery of the products.

In the online store, you can provide a wide range of products in one place and keep the customers engaged with new products or services. On the other hand if you are creating products from scratch, you have to keep up good relationships with your suppliers so your business can be successful.

Affiliate Marketing

To become an affiliate marketer means that you will be promoting other people’s products and services through a blog or store online. How it works is whenever there is a sale, you will get a commission. The most stimulating fact here is that you don’t even need a dime of your own money to start it and you get to partner with some of the biggest enterprises in the world. The first venture I would recommend you to start online is your own affiliate marketing business.

Internet Marketing Services

Servicing people to help drive visitors to their websites can be an outstanding online business with a strong profit potential. Examples of services you can provide include pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising services, blog marketing services, article marketing services, guest blogging, link building service, etc.

Doing business on the web can be challenging because things often change quickly online. This idea allows you to help other online entrepreneurs such as yourself, keep up with the latest trends in internet marketing.


This is comparable to a blog, but in video form. Basically turn your video camera on, feel free to use your tablet, and just talk! The best vloggers talk about a specific focus or niche. Vlogging about a topic that interest tweens or teens is most likely to get a big following fast.

Some popular topics include makeup, fashion, music, gaming and how to videos. The strategy to making money with these vlogs is gaining a large following and then receiving sponsorship on the platform that you publish the videos on, such as YouTube or Vimeo. You can also make money via advertisement.

E-Book Publishing

The information business allows you to identify people’s problems and provide a solution in the form of an e-book. Any style writing on any topic can be used with this method. If you love writing and you possess some marketing skills, then you can venture into writing self-published eBooks.

Educational Products

People will always be willing to pay for education. A good example is university education. A public four-year college costs around $20,000, and a private college can make an income of $50,000 per year. In spite of the outrageously high prices, people are eager to give out the money. Why? Because a college education is worth it. Right? Well, most of the time it is.

However, some disagree, and with recent improvements in the education platform, the traditional college model is being dismantled or unequivocally disrupted. The cause of these interruptions are startups like Udemy and Teachable, these platforms allow people to share their knowledge and profit from it.

You don’t need a platform to sell your knowledge. You can self-publish a book, create a video coaching session, or teach others how to make money. People will gladly pay to learn a new skill, shape their lifestyle, make new money, impress friends with their knowledge, and change their life in significant ways. If you have something to offer to others, then start teaching.

Graphic Design

There are lots of graphic designers on the web offer free and paid services. However, if you plan to thrive in this capacity online, aiding a specific niche target audience will be the most profitable for you. Suppose you’re focused niche is in music and you have a good graphic design skill, you can launch an online graphic design business that focuses on graphic design for musicians or singing artist. You can also choose to focus on infographic designing, e-book cover design, album cover designs, etc.

Implementing your ideas as an online business is a great way to start your business if you are low of capital. It is necessary that you have a proven and profitable online business idea to start your business. Starting and operating an online business is the new normal these days and continues to rise in popularity.

If you have any ideas that can be transformed to fit the online business model then by all means do your research and get started the opportunities are endless!

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Where To Find The Best Dedicated Cloud Servers

While using a shared server to host your website may seem like a good idea when you begin your business, due to the low costs, after your business is well established, you may need to find a dedicated cloud server. So how do we find it? What should you do? Where should you go to? And what is more important, who can you trust? These questions will be answered in this article.

A dedicated cloud server is the gateway to the internet for your website. A server can host one website or many different websites. Many larger servers host hundreds of different websites. This can be fine if you have a small business and do not have a lot of traffic flowing to your website.

If, however, you are beginning to see an increase in traffic to your website and are finding that the server you have now can no longer accommodate your business, you should probably consider getting a dedicated cloud server.

This insures that customers will not be stopped from visiting your website by lack of bandwidth. Bandwidth is what directs the flow to your website. When you are sharing your server with other businesses, you are also sharing bandwidth.

Where can you find a dedicated cloud server? There are thousands of them on the internet. You need only know what type of service you are looking for and what amount of space that you will need, as well as the amount of bandwidth.

The hosting provider on the internet that I believe to be the best on this service is one that provides best 24/7 live customer support, ultra-fast loading speed, and affordable pricing plans which beats other hosting providers. It should also offer secure servers with 99.9 or 100% uptime, free tools and apps to use as well as the best features for any kind of business website.

The servers should be scalable to make it easier for you or anyone to upgrade at any time. It is important for anyone to understand how critical it is for a host to be able to offer scalable solutions with an easy to upgrade option. However, the larger the dedicated cloud server, the more expensive it becomes.

You can find many dedicated cloud servers on the internet that offer rates as low as $24 per month.

Before you decided on a dedicated cloud server, take a look at the website of the company offering the service. See if it appears professional and legitimate. If possible, talk with others who have also used the same company for their dedicated server. you will want to make sure that you can get good customer service in case you have a problem with your server.

Shopping around on the internet is the best way to find a dedicated cloud server. There are so many different options available on the internet and, depending upon the size of your business, there is one that is right for you.

In addition to different services available by the vast array of dedicated cloud servers on the internet, there are also different payment options. In some cases, you can get a discount if you pay an annual fee instead of a monthly fee.

Do your homework and decide just exactly what you are looking for when shopping for a dedicated cloud server. Write down the problems that you or your customers are having now with your website with regard to traffic flow or the computer freezing up when they go on your site.

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How To Get An Early Advance On Your Inheritance

If there is someone that has died and has left an inheritance for you, then there is a legal procedure that has to be carried out, which also takes quite a bit of time. However, there can also be expenditures that you might need to take care of, and for that, you’d need cash early on. To assist you in such a situation, there are a few ways by which you can get your inheritance faster.

Some of the things that you will be required to do so as to get an advance on your inheritance are -

• Check if you can assign the inheritance – In a lot of cases, what happens is that you can assign your inheritance or transfer it to a lender in exchange for money. So, first and foremost, you need to check with a lawyer and see if you are allowed to do that or not. If you are, then you can easily go for this option and get your money instead of waiting for all the legal formalities to get over.

• Ensure that you qualify for an advance – The sum of your inheritance must qualify for an advance. This means that you must ensure that your inheritance amount is at least as much as an advance that can be given out.

• Have a consultation with your attorney – Talk to your estate administrator before going further with getting an advance because it will usually be less money than your inheritance would give you. Also, you must ensure the amount you will get is correct or not, with your attorney.

• Alert your estate attorney – You must have a word with your attorney without going further with the advance assignment. Also, all the details must be furnished to your attorney, so that they can carry on with the necessary procedures.

• Get all the required documents – Once you have decided that you will go for the advance, the next thing for you to do is collect and gather all the necessary documents to carry out the process smoothly. You must have all the documents, like the official death certificate, the will’s copy, probate court letters and documents, your identity proof, etc.

• Speak with inheritance lenders – Once you have all the necessary documentation in place, you must reach out to all the lenders in your locality and have a word with them. You could also conduct a research online to check which lender is giving you the best deal and then go for the one that suits you the best.

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Money, Wealth and Power Hide the Truth

Money is man’s solution to power and progress. It was invented as an exchange of goods for the god which is the origin of ‘x-change’ and it relates to the cross. Men died on crosses in expectation of rising to heaven with the sun at dawn to become Father Gods. To ‘marry’ Mary, the Mother God of Babylon, and fertilise ‘her’ came about after the start of agriculture some 4,000 years ago. It is the start of formal religions born of that city.

At the same time the Spirit ‘seeded’ a group who were selected to be the children of Israel. Given strict instructions on how to maintain their link to the real God the idols and false gods of religion tested them. They were condemned to torture and death when they refused to follow the orders to worship them. Their pain over the course of the day has brought retribution against the world.

Men who died on crosses were the ‘x-change’ as the cross changed them into gods. Their bodies were consumed by their followers in expectation that their power would be imbibed within and those who partook of it would be elevated in some way. This is still the case in religious rituals born of it as ‘communion’ is partaken of in some of them.

The man on the cross was the ‘man in the eye’ or ‘man-I’ from whence come ‘money’. He was also the ‘doll of the sun’, where ‘doll’ represents the stiff, lifeless form. The old term for sun is ‘or’ and ‘doll-or’ is the origin of ‘dollar’. After his death he was ‘sent’ on his way up and ‘cent’ is another form of ‘money’.

In a vision the light of the Mother God was shown to me when the dawn’s rays passed through a small hole and dispersed. The rings of light that form from such an event are awesome. They are full of the colours used in the Buddhist religion where the ‘circles’ are spun in a form of pray. The ‘circle of light’ is in ‘o-el’ which is the origin of ‘oil’ which was used in ancient lamps as lights.

The symbols and sounds of the early languages were shown to me as those contained in them today, It is a complete record of how man thought and behaved when there were no recorded scripts. Taken to this source the past can be read like a book and this is what the Spirit showed me to do when it asked me to remove the wall of blindness that has brought the world to its present state.

My reincarnation is proof that heaven and hell are myths born of sun worship. It is not enough to tell the world that as the evidence has to be produced to prove it. That is where the Spirit led me to uncover the past so that its presence can be seen as the real God.

‘B-el’ means ‘bearing god’ or ‘born a god’ and it is in associated words like ‘b-al’, ‘b-o-l’, and ‘bull’. The bull in the eye of power is ‘bul-I-on’ or ‘bullion’ which is the basis of the monetary system. ‘Bulls’ still represent gods as they are constantly fought against by men who test their strength against the power.

The real power, however, is the Spirit of the Universe and those linked to it are rewarded as healing miracles and peace is showered over them (Ezekiel 39:29). Money and wealth destroy that link and bring those who seek it to an end as we are in the last days. Everyone is back and they are judged according to where they seek their power and the gods they worship. The monetary systems are on the brink of collapse and they are being destroyed because they are nothing but folly in God’s eyes.

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Money Rules and People Follow It

If anyone needs more proof of the truth in these words than look no further than the American elections and the rise and rise of Donald Trump. A billionaire who has everything he could ever want or need is now promising the most outrageous policies should he be elected to the Presidency of the United States. Leaders around the world are holding their breath as they wait to see if Americans will really fall for the fact that money rules and the one who has it leads the pack.

Business and the ability to make money is now the target of the majority and some have openly expressed their feelings that Donald Trump will create jobs for them. Do they need a wakeup call? Hello! What can he do for anyone when he has threatened just about every country that deals with the United States in one way or another.

The uneducated and ignorance of people is echoed in their behaviour. The fact that they are falling for the potential leadership by someone who has never held office is extremely telling of how little they know or care. The same thing is being played out in Australia where the current Prime Minister is also on the brink of being a billionaire. He is promising to turn the fortunes of all around if they re-elect him on July 2nd.

His time in politics is brief and not something that has produced a good record of achievement. So why don’t people know to do their research and get a better understanding of what he can and might do for them?

Over my life-time many politicians have come and gone of all persuasions and my interest extends to those of other countries as well. Never has there been such a scenario whereby two leaders in the first world countries of great importance to world peace been so inexperienced and unsuitable for such high office.

People who have very little wealth or assets are the ones most likely to vote for them because they believe the dreams put forward from their mouths. They cannot discern the lies from the hype and politics that is being spun to get them elected.

Revelation 13:13-18 describes the second beast with the number 666 as Constantine, emperor of Rome. He installed a system of commerce by which the World Order is run today. It allows this problem to manifest because it is based on the rich having more wealth and the poor getting less. That means that rich politicians will do nothing for those who are currently pinning their hopes on the prospect of self-made billionaires showing them the way out of poverty.

My spirituality prevents me taking part in money-making enterprises and I can easily sympathise with those who need to make money in order to live. Memory of reincarnation has taught me that in the long run it does not do anything for anyone and as the world heads closer to annihilation by war mongering countries the prophecies concerning how 666 is destroying the world are being fulfilled.

People like Trump and the Australian Prime Minister, Turnbull, are in cahoots with his legacy and their goal, in my opinion, is one of pride rather than providing help to others who are pinning their hopes on them.

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5 Common SEO Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Over the past few years, SEO has evolved faster than the previous decade. And this has made it harder for users to keep up with most recent updates. The launch of Penguin and Panda changed the way things worked in the past. In short, the way Google used to rank website has changed a lot. But if you want to reach your objectives, make sure you avoid some common SEO mistakes.


In the start, Google said that it would rank websites that have the most relevant content on its first page. This statement is still valid. What has happened is that the search engine has become a lot better at achieving the objectives. In other words, now, Google is in better position to know what is relevant and what is not.

So, what you need to do is offer content that is relevant and avoid content is not relevant to your niche. Of course, the content should be informative and unique.

2. Following Tricks

People have been using many illegal ways of cheating the search engine algorithms for traffic, exposure and backlinks. Some of these tactics can still give you a temporary edge, but they are bad for your blog or website for the long-term.

So, you should avoid using low-quality, duplicate content, keyword stuffing, questionable redirects or cloaking for traffic. It may be tempting to go for these short-cuts, but they will just hurt your ranking, and may even get you banned for good.

3. Overloading your site

It has been a common perception that photos, videos and other graphics make a website more appealing for the viewers. To some extent, this perception is true; however, there should not be too much of it or your website will take ages to load. Your viewers don’t have all day to wait for your site to load. If your blog takes longer to load than other websites, the viewers will just click away. You will not only lose viewers, you will also lose ranking against other websites.

4. Making navigation difficult

Navigation is one of the most important factors for any website. It’s important for both viewers and search engines. Ideally, your viewers should be able to get the desired information from your website in one or two clicks. This may not be an easy task for you. So, what you can do is put important content on the main page of your site. This the users will be able to get what they want more easily.

5. Misunderstanding THE BACKLINK PROCESS

You may not want to be obsessed with obtaining a lot of backlinks. Although you don’t have to have backlinks from authority websites to establish your credibility, it helps a lot. However, what you need to do is try to get backclinks in a nature fashion. But it’s not a good idea to buy backlinks. This is one of the worst mistakes that you can make.

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